Customer Satisfaction Evaluation TÜV HELLAS

General Information about the company

Dear Client,

One of our top priorities is to seek to improve the quality of our services on an ongoing basis. To achieve this, we need your help. Thus, we request that you fill in this questionnaire. The results will enable us to assess your level of satisfaction with TÜV NORD and to include your ideas and suggestions in our ongoing improvement processes.


1. General Information about the company

Assessment of our services

2. Assessment of our services

Please rate each of the following criteria from your own personal point of view

First indicate how satisfied or dissatisfied you are with the following aspects of our service, and then how important or unimportant these criteria are to you.

2.1 Our contact / approach with you

2.2 Our quotation

2.2.1 Response time

2.2.2 Understandability

2.2.3 Completeness

2.3 Preparation and planning of the audit / inspection

2.4 Remote Audit

If you did avail of the option to have a remote audit please continue with the question about the expertise / competence of our staff.

2.4.1 Quality of Video- and Audio

2.4.2 Understandability

2.4.3 Workload

2.5 Expertise / competence of our staff

2.6 Personal behavior and approach of our staff

2.7 Adherence to schedule

2.8 Report of audit / inspection

2.9 Identifying and recording of potential for improvement / nonconformities

2.10 Speed of the document processing / creation of the certificate

2.11 Invoice and invoicing procedure

2.12 Quality of our services in general

2.13 Price-performance ratio

General questions

3. General questions

If yes, how satisfied were you with the response to the complaint / objection?


Fields marked with * are required fields

We protect your data. We take the protection of your personal data very seriously and strive to ensure that you feel secure and comfortable when visiting our Internet pages. Please note our Privacy policy.

We will only use the data you send us on a contact form for contact purposes. Your data is not shared with other companies. If you would like us to delete your data from our system immediately after using it, please send us an e-mail to that effect.
