BRCGS Packaging Materials Certification

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What is BRCGS Packaging Certification?

The BRCGS Packaging Certification is a leading global brand and the first Standard in the world to be recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) benchmarking committee. Its why almost 6,000 suppliers in over 80 countries worldwide have chosen to be certified by BRCGS Global Standards.  

The Standard now provides a robust framework for all types of packaging manufacturers to assist them in the production of safe packaging materials and the manage product quality to meet customer requirements, while maintaining legal compliance. Certification against the Standard is recognized by many brand owners, retailers, food service companies and manufacturers around the world when accessing the capabilities of their suppliers.  

The Standard has been developed to specify the product safety, quality and operational criteria that must be in place within a packaging manufacturing organization in order for it to fulfil its obligations with regard to legal compliance and protection of the consumer. The format is designed to allow a company’s premises, operational systems, and procedures to be accessed against the requirements of the Standard by a competent third party such as TUV USA.  

Who needs BRCGS Packaging Certification?

Manufacturers of all types of packaging and packaging materials for all uses.

The focus of BRCGS Packaging Standard, Version 6

  • Enhancing the processes used by quality management systems in printed packaging controls and through a hazard and risk analysis approach. 

  • Continuing to ensure consistency of the audit process across the world.  

  • The importance of a product safety and quality culture in the drive to improve transparency and coherence across the supply chains of food and non-food products.  

  • Simplifying the hygiene requirements based solely on risk. 

  • Introducing a new fundamental clause, corrective and preventative actions, to address issues and minimize the risk of the occurring. 

  • Based on risk, putting a microbiological environmental monitoring program in place.  

  • Simplifying the unannounced audit program.  

Preconditions for certification

Alongside the stipulations of the standard, the following criteria are decisive for certification according to BRCGS:

  • Application of the principles of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
  • Analysis of processes/technologies used in product manufacturing
  • Fulfilment of legal regulations with regard to rooms and equipment, product and performance, and qualification of personnel
  • Classification of risks
  • Inspection of the quality management system

The Route to the Certificate


Customer Inquiry

Offer from TUV USA based on the information provided

Order of certification

Audit Planning

Certification Audit

Release of the Certification Process

Issuance of the Certification

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Food Safety Division
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