Construction supervision

Construction supervision

Construction supervision

The goal of construction supervision is to ensure compliance of construction works and quality of construction products with the requirements of regulatory enactments and technology for  performance of work, ensuring the rights and interests of the customer during construction works. In the course of construction supervision, both the order of work execution and the correspondingly verified costs of materials and components used in construction are monitored. During construction supervision, the necessary volumes of as-built documentation and their correctness are also monitored, ensuring the quality of the construction process and guaranteeing commissioning of the constructed facility (of the completed project).


We are glad to offer you: 

  • Construction and technical examination (expertise) of construction projects, buildings and facilities
  • Construction supervision
  • Examination (expertise) of building materials and construction products.
  •  Technical inspection of buildings in accordance with the rules of the Cabinet of Ministers of June 15, 2021 No. 384 “Construction standard for technical inspection of buildings LBN 405-21” with the preparation of the corresponding Technical inspection Report.


During construction supervision there are controlled and ensured:

  • accurate construction process in accordance with the approved design statement (project)
  • compliance of the quality of building materials and construction products with the construction project and the requirements of currently effective regulatory enactments
  • compliance of the overall scope of the construction project, as well as of the constructed facilities and engineering system solutions with the project design
  • compliance of the construction works’ order (work sequence) and of quality of construction work execution to the project and the current regulatory acts regulating construction supervision, occupational safety and fire safety. 


 We ensure and offer construction supervision for the following types of construction projects:


  • buildings and facilities
  •  water supply and sewerage systems
  • heating, ventilation, cooling/ freezing systems, air conditioning systems
  • electric plants (electricity-generating equipment)
  • electronic communication systems
  • roads
  • main and technological pipelines
  • port facilities and hydraulic facilities
  • reservoirs (tanks)
  • and offer drawing up the technical inspection report based on LBN 405-21, assessing the condition of the building or of  its part (including a visual inspection of the building or part of it), its structures, joints, construction products built into the building, carrying out a set of works to identify and evaluate the actual technical condition of the building's joints, which is the basis for a detailed study of construction products, elements, assemblies and their connections in the building and for drawing up a technical inspection report.​

Construction expertise

We carry out:

Examination (expertise) and construction supervision of construction projects (sites) of main pipelines for oil products and natural gas, as well as of other types of construction project in accordance with international norms.



We look forward to your inquiry

Liana Kivlina
Saremas street 3, Riga, LV-1005
Tel.: +371 24990980

Tel.: +371 20015367