Career opportunities

Career opportunities

Since our goal is growth, innovations and progress, TUV NORD Baltik invites qualified employees to all areas of its business. Especially to technical areas - engineering, construction, etc.

Regardless of whether you have work experience or not, whether you are a graduate or a student, TUV NORD Baltik invites those, who want to develop themselves in any technical field, who want to achieve success and desired goals. The most important criteria are technical thinking, proactivity, customer -oriented attitude, desire to work efficiently and to achieve good results. Following our corporate culture we develop social and communication skills and highly appreciate those team players who can integrate well and easily  into the team and make positive contribution to solving a problem or a conflict, if any.

You are preparing to graduate from the university and looking for an interesting topic for graduate/degree work (for bachelor or master degree, etc.)? You want to write your work with our help? If the answer is "Yes" - then you are welcome!

We need creative and active employees and managers who will be both developing our business and creating our corporate culture. If you want to work in our team, please send your CV and motivation letter to

Contact details

Saremas str. 3
Riga, LV-1005, Latvia

Tel.: +371 24990980