Railway sector services

Railway sector services

Railway sector services

TUV NORD Baltik in cooperation with TUV NORD Germany is happy to introduce its new service line designated to RAIL market players.

Whether you are the manufacturer  or the passenger or freight transportation operator  on global rail market, whether you require technical consulting or legal advice on subject of regulatory requirements applied to manufacturers, operators and other players of rail market in the particular country or you need an inspection and conformity assessment procedure along with certification - we will be happy to give you a hand and provide you support of our best railway engineering and relevant technical regulations experts. 

Travelling and transporting by rail always means forward-looking mobility friendly to  environment around the globe. TÜV NORD ensures safety and efficiency in all areas of rail systems and rail technology, delivering support to rail operators and rail industry in general for decades now, applying our experience gained from all related technical  areas of the industry.

Contact information

Saremas str. 3
Riga, LV-1005, Latvia

Tel.: +371 24990980