NBQP Registered Internal Auditor Course on ISO 50001: 2018 Energy Management System

NBQP Registered Internal Auditor Course on ISO 50001: 2018 Energy Management System


The aim of this course is to provide delegates with the knowledge and skills required to perform an internal audit of part of an Energy management system based on ISO 50001 (or equivalent), and report on the effective implementation and maintenance of the management system in accordance with ISO 19011.

Course Objectives

  • To understand the overview of ISO 50001:2018 – Energy Management System
  • To enable delegates, understand Key concepts EnMS auditing
  • To impart/enhance practical auditing skills to become certified Internal Auditor
  • To enable the delegates to plan, conduct & manage EnMS internal audits effectively in accordance with the principles & guidelines of ISO 19011
  • To enhance the technical and behavioral competency in conducting effective EnMS audits as Internal Auditor.

Date and Time

Date : 12th to 13th September 2024

Time : 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM

Who should attend ?
  • Individuals wishing to become certified internal auditors wishing to make career in EnMS auditing.
  • Energy engineers / officers / executives / managers / Auditors.
  • EnMS management representative
  • Consultants
Prerequisite/Prior knowledge

ISO 50001:2018 (EnMS) - Awareness
a)    Management Systems
•    The Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) cycle
•    The core elements of a management system and the interrelationship between top management responsibility, policy, objectives, planning, implementation, measurement, review and continual improvement.

b)    Energy Management
•    The core terms and definitions of Energy
•    An understanding of the requirements of ISO 50001:2018 
•    Energy Review, Energy Baselines, Energy performance, Operational controls, Legal & other requirements.

Course Contents

•    NBQP Registration Scheme and benefits of becoming EnMS Internal Auditor
•    Annex SL framework 
•    Structure & Overview of ISO 50001:2018 with focus on EnMS planning, leadership, risk based thinking, performance evaluation & continual improvement, 
•    Introduction to EnMS Auditing & Internal Audit process,
•    Audit basics : Definitions, audit principles and types of audits,
•    Audit planning & preparation,
•    Conducting on-site audit & audit reporting,
•    Corrective action & audit follow-up activities,
•    Auditor attributes, competence & evaluation,
•    Course Summary and Q&A,
•    Continuous Assessment exercises & feedback,
•    Syndicate exercises & feedback,
•    Written examination


Certificate of “Successful Completion” shall be provided to each delegates/participants who attend entire duration of the course, have passed both continuous evaluation & written examination.

Certificate of “Participation” shall be provided to the participants who do not pass the written examination or continuous evaluation but who have satisfied the attendance requirement.


8 Hours including 1 hour break Each Day

Registration Fees

Rs. 7,000/- + 18 % GST Only

Registration & Payment


Registration with confirmed payment will be closed 2 Hours before the scheduled time of Webinar.


Cancellation Policy

In case of change or cancellation of any scheduled program from TUV India Pvt. Ltd, fees paid for participation will be initiated for refund to the respective participant / client account within 21 days once required information is provided by participant / client.