Certification application
If you want to conduct certifications audit of ISO (9001, 14001, ISO 27001, IATF 16949, ISO 50001, ISO 22000, HACCP, ISO 45001, BSCI, SA 8000, ..v..v), please download and complete the questionaire form on TUV NORD website and sent back to the certification body with the email: vietnam@tuv-nord.com. After receiving the full information of certification request, sales department of TUV Nord Vietnam will keep in touch with you in order to have an agreement about the time and method of proceeding
Review certification requirements
TUV NORD Vietnam functional department will immediately consider the organization's requirements to prepare for certification process. The certification requirements (area, time, location ...) will be agreed in the certification agreement.
Stage 1 of audit
On-site or off-site audit of the readiness for certification of a company’s management system and planning of audit stage 2. This includes the review of management system documentation.
The purpose of the stage 1 of audit is:
- to audit the management system documentation of the customer,
- to audit the location and the location-specific conditions of the customer and determine the readiness for the stage 2 of audit.
- to collect necessary information with regard to the scope of the management system, the processes, the location(s), legal regulations related to official authorities...
- to evaluate the resources which have to be allocated to the audit stage 2 and to agree on the details of the Audit stage 2 with the customer,
- to judge if internal audits and management reviews are planned and carried out and to prove the management system to be ready for the audit stage 2.
- The time interval between the two audit stages should not exceed 3 months.
At the end of the Stage 1 Audit, the scope of the certificate must be established in agreement with the customer not later than four weeks before audit stage 2.
When the audit is officially completed, the audit report will be sent to the certification body by the audit team for certification. The certificate will be recognized by the international accreditation council.
The accreditation body in Vietnam is the Vietnam Bureauf of accrediation - BoA (http://www.boa.gov.vn)
The accreditation body for TUV NORD Cert GmbH's system certification body is the German Accreditation - DAkkS (http://www.dakks.de).
According to the international regulations, the certificate is valid for 3 years and maintained by the surveillance audits conducted by the certification body annually. Surveillance audits are conducted to verify whether the organization's management system continues to be operational, include monitoring of system changes and implementation.
In case the organization fails to coordinate with TUV NORD Vietnam to organize surveillance audit beyond the prescribed time, the validity of the certificate will be suspended (temporarily). The validity of the certificate will be restored if the surveillance audit is conducted within the time allowed by TUV NORD Vietnam.
In case the organization fails to coordinate with TUV NORD Vietnam to organize surveillance audit beyond the time of suspension, the certificate will be revoked. The validity of the certificate can be restored with the confirmation of TUV NORD Vietnam by a special on-site audit.
In case that the certificate is revoked, the organization must return the certificates and stop all advertising activities using images and the certification mark
Extension audit
TUV NORD Vietnam functional department will immediately consider the organization's requirements to prepare for certification process. The certification requirements (area, time, location ...) will be agreed in the certification agreement.
After 03 years from the date of the initial certification, TUV NORD Vietnam will conduct a recertification audit. Auditing procedures and methods are similar to those for initial certification.
Scope of application
This audit process is applicable to all organizations regardless of type of organization, type of product, service, size and geographic scope.
Other provisions
Within the validity of the certificate, TUV NORD Vietnam may conduct an audit to extend or narrow the scope of certification. In case that the customer's management system does not meet the relevant requirements, TUV NORD Vietnam reserves the right to make decisions about the suspension and revocation of certificates.
TUV Nord Vietnam may adjust or change the certification audit process to conform to the requirements of ISO / IEC 17021-1: 2015 and / or at the request of a third party. This change is provided on the website or provided upon request.
Companies that are certified by TUV NORD Vietnam, during the validity of the certificate, need to adhere to the use of the certification mark. In case the organization has a major change in its quality management system, the organization needs to notify in writing to TUV NORD Vietnam.
TUV NORD Vietnam always retains the final right to issue, reissue, expand, narrow, suspend or revoke the certificate. The relevant information is publicly available on this website.